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    Festival of San Calogero in Agrigento

    The festival in honour of San Calogero in Agrigento combines folklore, tradition and devotion. The celebrations last eight days, from [...]

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    Festa di San Calogero ad Agrigento

    La festa in onore di San Calogero, ad Agrigento, è insieme folklore, tradizione e devozione. I festeggiamenti durano otto giorni, [...]

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    Carnevale in Sicilia

    Il Carnevale in Sicilia ha origini antichissime; è la festa dell’abbondanza e delle abbuffate prima dei digiuni quaresimali. Questa è la [...]

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    The Carnival in Sicily

    The Carnival in Sicily has very ancient origins; it is the feast of abundance and binge eating before the Lent [...]

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    “Caltagirone(…) Si dispiega lo scenario tufaceo del paese fitto di case e di palazzi, scandito dai cento campanili delle chiese, [...]

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    "Caltagirone (...) The tuffaceous scenery of the town unfolds, full of houses and palazzi, punctuated by the hundred bell towers [...]

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    Castellammare del Golfo

    Castellammare del Golfo must first be viewed from above. Let's enjoy the view from the terrace that juts out from [...]

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    Sciacca: the sea and a thousand years of history. Let us try to tell its story. To the east, the imposing [...]

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    Sciacca: il mare e una storia millenaria. Proviamo a raccontarla. Ad oriente l’imponente mole del Monte Kronio con l’ipogeo del santo [...]