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    Baroque in Sicily

    The last legacy of the Sicilian nobility, the island's Baroque leaves an indelible mark in your memory Sun-kissed stone buildings, light [...]

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    Liberty Style in Sicily

    Find Liberty Style in Sicily! Liberty Style, also known as 'stile floreale' (floral style) in Italy, is the very specific Italian [...]

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    Adventure parks

    For those who want to have fun in the open air, experiencing the thrill of climbing and defying gravity, adventure [...]

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    Liberty in Sicilia

    Andiamo insieme a scoprire un po’ di Liberty in Sicilia! Il Liberty o stile floreale è la particolarissima declinazione artistica italiana [...]

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    This is the simplest and lightest free flight ever! Designed to take off using the thrust of the pilot's legs, [...]

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    In the mood for an adrenaline rush? How would you like to feel like James Bond in the hectic acrobatic [...]

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    Kitesurfing in Sicily

    Kitesurfing (or kiteboarding or fly surfing) is a water sport best practised on windy days. The challenge is simple: with [...]

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    Barocco in Sicilia

    Ultima eredità della nobiltà siciliana, il barocco dell’isola lascia un ricordo indelebile nella memoria. Edifici di pietra baciati dal sole, luce [...]

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    Parchi avventura

    Per chi vuole divertirsi all’aria aperta, provando l’emozione di arrampicarsi e sfidare la forza di gravità, i parchi avventura sono [...]