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    Holiday in Palermo with children and teenagers

    Even in Palermo, children can play with art and culture! There are many museums that organise activities and tours, from [...]

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    Make a wish, you're in Sicily

    Sicily turns your wish of a dream holiday into reality. Surrounded by the sea, kissed by the sun and home of [...]

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    When you visit Sicily, you will discover that it is an amazing open-air spa. Sicily offers a wide range of [...]

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    Vacanza a Palermo con bambini e ragazzi

    Anche a Palermo i bambini possono giocare con l’arte e la cultura! Sono tanti i musei che organizzano attività e [...]

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    Benessere in Sicilia, SPA a cielo aperto

    Se c’è una cosa che Madre Natura ha donato a quest’isola, è un’ampia scelta di trattamenti naturali che rigenerano il [...]

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    La Settimana Santa in Sicilia: i riti da non perdere

    Come scriveva Leonardo Sciascia “non c’è paese, in Sicilia, in cui la Passione di Cristo non riviva attraverso una vera [...]

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    Viaggio di lusso in Sicilia

    La Sicilia esaudisce desideri che nemmeno immaginavi di avere. Riesce a trasformare in realtà la vacanza dei tuoi sogni prima [...]

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    San Domenico in Castelvetrano, the Sicilian Sistine Chapel

    It's not a question of rewriting art history but paying proper tribute to an artistic prodigy that deserves the (deliberately [...]

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    Holy Week in Sicily, the celebrations you should not miss

    Rites, processions, religious services that combine faith, traditions and even folklore, characterize the week preceding Easter. Short palm processions in [...]